Fun and Friendship is the cornerstone of the Beaver Scouts program. Beavers are aged 5-7 years old. The Beaver program emphasizes having fun while encouraging children to feel good about themselves, their friends and family, spirituality (being part of an awesome world - religious or not), and nature. Beavers helps children learn basic social skills and gain self confidence.
Our Beavers meet on Thursday evenings from 5:45-6:45 p.m.
Here are some pictures of the 1st Cumberland Beavers in action over the past few years:
Our Beavers meet on Thursday evenings from 5:45-6:45 p.m.
Here are some pictures of the 1st Cumberland Beavers in action over the past few years:
The Beaver program promotes activities that encourage children to:
The Beaver program is built around a lively variety of games, crafts, music, storytelling, playacting, and the outdoors. Beaver activities stress cooperation and teamwork, and can involve the whole family. The outdoors is an essential part of the Beaver program.
Beavers meet in a group called a colony. Each Beaver learns a promise, law and motto to help guide their personal development.
Beaver Scout Promise
I promise to love God* and help take care of the world.
Beaver Scout Law
A Beaver has fun, works hard and helps family and friends.
Beaver Scout Motto
Sharing, Sharing, Sharing
*Do you have to believe in God to join Scouts Canada? No, but you must have a basic spiritual belief. Spirituality has been one of the three main principles of Scouting around the world since its inception more than 100 years ago. Scouts Canada is proud of its commitment to diversity and welcomes members of many different faiths and denominations.
You need not belong to an organized religion, but all members must take the Scout Promise in good faith and Scouters may include some form of spirituality in their program for the youth. “God” represents spirituality and for some may represent an actual deity, but it may also mean an expression of your personal spirituality.
If you do not want your child to use the word God our group will ask that they replace it with the word all.
- be healthy and have good feelings about themselves,
- develop a sense of belonging and sharing in small group activities,
- develop a sense of cooperation through non-competitive activities.
The Beaver program is built around a lively variety of games, crafts, music, storytelling, playacting, and the outdoors. Beaver activities stress cooperation and teamwork, and can involve the whole family. The outdoors is an essential part of the Beaver program.
Beavers meet in a group called a colony. Each Beaver learns a promise, law and motto to help guide their personal development.
Beaver Scout Promise
I promise to love God* and help take care of the world.
Beaver Scout Law
A Beaver has fun, works hard and helps family and friends.
Beaver Scout Motto
Sharing, Sharing, Sharing
*Do you have to believe in God to join Scouts Canada? No, but you must have a basic spiritual belief. Spirituality has been one of the three main principles of Scouting around the world since its inception more than 100 years ago. Scouts Canada is proud of its commitment to diversity and welcomes members of many different faiths and denominations.
You need not belong to an organized religion, but all members must take the Scout Promise in good faith and Scouters may include some form of spirituality in their program for the youth. “God” represents spirituality and for some may represent an actual deity, but it may also mean an expression of your personal spirituality.
If you do not want your child to use the word God our group will ask that they replace it with the word all.